Brands to Love: Dot Products!

I’ve had so much this month blogging all about Dot products & all of the amazing things that they do! When I first came across this brand, it was the products alone that drew my attention. Throughout the month, I’ve learned so much about this company and their passion of giving to those in need that I can’t help but want others to contribute too! If you missed any earlier posts about this brand, you can catch up by starting with last weeks post (here) where I talked about all of the amazing things that Dot Products does & exactly how they give. For the final week of this collaboration, I will be discussing how YOU can contribute!


How to contribute:

Anyone can contribute to Dot products in many ways! Besides simply buying the products & supporting the cause, you can also do the following.

  1. Become an intern! Dots has a fantastic intern program that is responsible for so much of the life that is Dot.  If you’re a college student, this is an amazing opportunity for you! This company loves helping students see their natural gifts by serving alongside of the work that Dots is doing to fund education around the world. School interns work about 15-20 hours a week, both virtually and in office, while summer interns work 20-30 hours a week in office & at Regional events. To learn more about the internship program offered, you can click here.
  2. Collaborate on some artwork! Do you like to design or paint? Dot is always looking for students who love to paint, handletter, or draw. Working with Dot is an opportunity that allows artisans to make a difference through art! For more information on how you do this with Dots handpainted journal program, send an email over to
  3. Give! In addition to purchasing products, you can also give monetary donations to help this company help others! Donations help Dot improve their partnerships around the world by funding trips, better partner communication, as well as education. You can give here!
  4. Simply spread the word! I am sooo beyond thankful that I came across this brand, & am so excited to have spent the month sharing all of the amazing things about them! Word of mouth is a powerful tool to use when spreading information- so I have a challenge for you! I challenge you to tell 2 people about this amazing company. These two people can be anyone, it doesn’t matter. Just make sure to tell two people about this amazing brand and all of the wonderful things they are accomplishing around the world!

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” – Proverbs 11:25

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Until Next Time!



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