Living Room Decor

Our Living room is finally coming together! After waiting for months for all of the furniture that we ordered to be delivered, our little humble abode is finally starting to feel like a home. In Texas, my house was very chic & “girly (as Ry likes to call it) and Ryans was very traditional, so we had to figure out a way to merge both of our styles. We agreed to keep everything neutral colors, adding some chic texture with pillows and gold accents.

As of now, our favorite thing in the living room is our couch! Funny story- when we moved here from TX earlier this year, our furniture was actually too wide/big for our house (even though it is a larger house, but with smaller rooms) so we had to buy a lot of new items. Choosing a couch was soo hard- deciding color was the easy part. I wanted one that was oversized but also small enough that we could fit two. When we saw this one we decided that it was perfect- even though it was on back order for 3+ months! Same with our rug- it took forever to find the perfect one, but once we did everything else just started working/looking right together.

I added some metalic pieces, such as the gold table above to make the room feel a little chic, but not too much! One thing I LOVE about all of our decor is how all of the neutrals came together. I’ve always wanted to “functional” neutral space in the house and since we spend so much time in the living room, this was the best way to do it. I was even able to sneak in some more gold touches with tabletop decor and some faux fur!

Can’t wait to share more!




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