The 3 Things Being A Dog Mom Has Taught Me

It’s no secret that I am a proud fur mama and love my babies! I got my first “furry child” last October, literally on Halloween night. I had been looking for a dog for a while, and somehow one of my oldest friends just happened to know someone who had one and was trying to get rid of him. I got him that weekend & have been in love with him ever since! Parker was sooo tiny when I got him- so little that he slept in a box and couldn’t even get out- his legs were too short (LOL!). Fast forward to almost 2 years later and not only has outgrown (by a lot) fitting into my purses for my late night errands, but I have also added another “baby” to my house recently- Little Izzy Bear. Izzy again was looking for a home- I saw a picture of her and just had to have her! I never in a million years thought I would be the owner of two days, but I can now say I wouldn’t have it any other way. Both of my dogs are soo different and have such little personalities and have taught me soo much about life. My Parker boy is my little bestie and I swear is secretly a human. Izzy is a little firecracker and the definition of the term, Small But Mighty.  These two together have (and still continue to) taught me so much about life- more than I thought a non-human could! Does that makes sense?! I hope it does, but if not- I’ll explain:

The truth is: Most things are replaceable

Can anyone say Potty Training! Perfect story (unfortunately, it’s true), Parker was soo soo good with Potty Training. When he was really little, I brought him to work with me almost every day. He was soo cute and I just wanted to him him all day. I was able to potty train him 24/7- so it honestly wasn’t that hard. Yeah- he had accidents but none were like that bad. Izzy on the other hand, is the complete opposite. She literally does whatever she wants, even on my REAL COWHIDE RUG. yep- you guessed it…she ruined it. I take soo much pride in all of my things. I value each one for different reasons and most of my purchases are very, very well planned so you can imagine that I was not too happy about this.

I still cringe every time i think about it but I recently just bit the bullet and decided to pull up all my fav rugs until she is 100% potty trained. I could’ve gotten a lot more mad, but I just decided (possibly after some little tears) that it could be a lot worse and at least my rug is replaceable. Anyone who knows me knows I am very very particular about many things, so this was a big step for me! The first thing my little Izzy has taught me is what matters most, memories. I mean, yah I know this (yada, yada), but I still like my stuff too. It’s important though, to never like your things too much & to always be willing to let things go. Anything can be replaced.

For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. – 1 Timothy 6:7-8

The smallest things can make you smile. Take nothing for granted

Again, something we all have probably heard, or maybe have even experienced. There’s so many memories I have of both Parker (when he was a puppy) and Izzy (In her current puppy stage) being so funny and making me laugh so hard that I would literally start crying! With Parker, I will never forget the first time I pulled out my suitcase before I was getting ready to travel. It was like he knew exactly what was about to happen and was not happy about it. He took his whole little body and just pounded himself into my suitcase and refused to get out. He just kept barking, and I could not stop cracking up. I was also doing laundry at the time so I threw him on that (he was soooo tiny, like 2 pds), and all I remember was him burying his face in my laundry shaking it up as hard as he could and attempting to bark any louder. Needless to say, it was so so funny. I will never forget this day!

Izzy, my “Wild Child” as I like to call her, also has her own set of funny times. One that comes to mind is when she discovered she could fit behind my drying machine. She is still a baby and only weighs 4 pds, but a few months ago she weighed a little less. I have no clue how, but she one day discovered that she could fit behind my dryer (don’t worry- there are no cords or anything). Not only could she fit behind it, but she could run around it in a full circle and it was as Izzy had found her personal racetrack! Even now, some mornings when I am getting dressed I still here here running full speed in circles until she wears herself out, ha!

Both of these memories are so simple but yet make me so happy just thinking about them. Being in the world that we live in today, it’s so so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life- our to-do lists, attempting to meet our goals, and everything else we all have going on 24/7. It’s moments like these where we get a chance to enjoy life for what it is sometimes: simple.

Most Importantly..they reaffirmed days that I’m carefree

I love plans and live by them, but having 2 dogs, sometimes (Most Times!), that’s just not possible. Having a 9-5, running a blog all while attempting to maintain a social life is the farthest thing from easy. I mean, not like I actually have kids or anything, but I can imagine having fur babies is the next thing in line (in my head at least!). I have learned with these two always running around that sometimes things don’t go as planned, and that’s okay. Some days, I’ve had a really long day and come home and see my two balls of happiness running towards me and my day instantly gets better! Other days, I have tons to do and coming home to let them out seems like a pain. Either way, I’m always grateful for the bit of “unknown” in my day that they bring me. As crazy as it seems, two dogs taught me that! Crazy, right?!

At the end of the day..I’m sure there are a ton of other things that I could say about my two dogs- but these three points above about sum it is. I have always been a fan of “Mans Best Friend”, but my appreciation for them has (for sure), grown in the last year or so now that I have two of my own.  There’s not a moment with these two I would’t take back- even the heinous ones, for those are the ones that actually make me laugh the most now!

I really think this is how life is actually supposed to work- one day, we will look back at all the things that we felt were so “awful” at the time, and we realize that we had to go through those things to get to where we are today. If you don’t see your daily “moments” as this, my prayer for you is that someday you do! <3

Until Next Time!



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