Travel essentials for one year old (updated!)

A few months ago, I shared my travel essentials for traveling with a 1 year old. Now that Londyn is a little older + we have traveled a LOT these last few months with her, my list has adjusted a little bit. I have re-created my old travel list to include some new things below. This post contains affiliate links!

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Toddler Travel Essentials

The basics

For starters, we got a new travel stroller when we went to Paris this last December & I love it so much that it’s become the only stroller that we use! I feel like I need to do a post dedicated to only that because it’s truly so great. It fits into the overhead compartment on most planes & is so easy to open and close. We also still use the same diaper bag, although we only bring it on big trips since it’s not as full anymore.

Also, we still bring lots of snacks, a bib, some disposable mats for eating time, her mini highchair + a cup. We are also still using her travel crib, but again only bring it on trips that are longer than a few days.

Londyns backpack

One of the newest things that has made traveling with Londyn easier is that she now carries her own little mini backpack! It’s so adorable + holds all of her toys for the plane. Of course if there is anything that’s a little heavy or too big (some of her books), I put those in my bag so hers stays light.

That’s about it besides her clothes! It might not seem very different, but having things like an easier to maneuver stroller + lighter diaper bag (or sometimes even just my bag and no diaper bag at all!) really do make a big difference when traveling!




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