How to Set Goals That You Will Reach

Goal setting is one of my favorite things to do! Not only at the beginning of the New Year, but throughout the year as well! Although setting goals helps me keep on track, it’s even more important that the goals that I set are realistic & obtainable. What is the point of setting goals if you know you can’t reach them right? Goal setting is the most effective when done in a way that is encouraging, positive & achievable. I’ve listed below some things to consider when setting YOUR goals for this year:

Set Realistic Goals

One thing I have learned when setting goals is that setting goals that are realistic is a lot better than setting goals that cannot be reached. By this, I mean setting goals that actually can be reached vs. something that just sound good. For example, setting a goal to “win the lottery” might not be a realistic goal, because that is not something that you can control. Having a little control of your goal setting makes sure that you are working towards something that you can accomplish.

Make Your Goals Measurable

Making your goals measurable is the key to being able to track your progress! I once had a goal of saving X amount of money by the end of the year, but had no measurable plan to do so. The next year, I set a number that I wanted to save and then divided that number by 12 and gave myself a number to save each month. Being able to break down a larger, measurable goal into smaller increments not only makes the goal measurable, but also allows yourself to celebrate all of the “little wins” along the way.

Make them Personal

It’s really easy to compare your life to others in many ways. Goals are one thing that I truly believe should not be compared to anyone else’s. Goals are personal! The purpose of setting a goal is to accomplish something that you want to, not something that someone thinks you should. Make sure that your goals are meaningful to you & help you achieve something that you have always wanted to!

In the past, I have used the SMART acronym when goal setting & it has really helped with some of the above tips! I listed it below:

S– Specific

M– Measurable

A– Attainable

R– Relevant

T– Time Based

Setting goals doesn’t have to be stressful or hard, but can be a fun way to track your progress all while making your dreams come true!




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